
Alán Carrasco is a visual artist and holds an international PhD in Society and Culture: History, Anthropology, Art and Heritage from the University of Barcelona. In his thesis, he analyzes the concepts of iconoclasm, symbolic organization of the public space and collective memory as reflected in socio-political events ranging from 1949 to 1991 in East Germany.

His artistic production is conceptually intertwined with this theoretical research. In recent years, he has created a body of work focused on the mechanisms by which official stories are constructed, with a particular focus on some of their strategies of narration, such as selective inducement of memory and forgetting, and even more specifically on the function of iconoclasm within this particular technology of power. 

He is especially interested in the margins of historical accounts, and in analyzing the reasons why some aspects and participants were systematically eliminated from these accounts. In more recent projects, he has also worked with aspects of what he calls possibilities of history, that is, events the authenticity of which we cannot be sure about, but which are nevertheless plausible.

Represented by ADN Galeria, Barcelona (ES).



Memoriaren basoak
San Telmo Museoa | San Sebastián (ES)
Curated by Mabel Tapia and Mira Bernabeu


BIAM 2024 Biennal d’Art Ciutat d’Amposta
Lo Pati Centre d’Art de les Terres de l’Ebre | Amposta (ES)

Les faits sont têtus (solo show)
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

Palestina libre
Espacio Tangente Centro de Creación Contemporánea | Burgos (ES)

Las casas de los humildes
Calidoscopi Cultural | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Vanesa Peña


Not Only What, But Also How
Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy | Washington (US)
Curated by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo

What We Have Left to Talk About
Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos | Santiago (CL)
Curated by Soledad Aguirre

Bordering Plants
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien | Vienna (AT)
Curated by Carmen Lael Hines, Adam Hudec and Roberto Majano

The Footprint of Rome. 150 Years of the Spanish Academy in Rome
Museu de Belles Arts de València | Valencia (ES)
Curated by María Dolores Jiménez Blanco

Azkuna Zentroa | Bilbao (ES)

Exothermia. Semiotics of Placement in the MUSAC Collection
MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León | León (ES)
Curated by Álvaro Rodríguez Fominaya

Un horizonte que se pierde de vista (duo show w/ Irene de Andrés)
Centro Cultural de España en Montevideo | Montevideo (UY)

Short Day for Unbelievable Stories
Residence of the Spanish Ambassador in Belgium | Brussels (BE)
Curated by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo

Exhibition of finalists for the City of Palma Award
Casal Solleric | Palma de Mallorca (ES)


Processi 148
MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo | Vigo (ES)
Curated by Enrique Bordes

Another End. The Remainder. Art and anti-Francoism
El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Nora Ancarola and Amanda Cuesta

Fabular un mundo diferente
Centro Cultural de España en Montevideo | Montevideo (UY)
Curated by Blanca de la Torre

Fabular un mundo diferente
Yaku Museo del Agua | Quito (EC)
Curated by Blanca de la Torre

Fabular un mundo diferente
CCESV Centro Cultural de España en El Salvador | San Salvador (SV)
Curated by Blanca de la Torre

Fabular un mundo diferente
CCECR Centro Cultural de España en Costa Rica | San José (CR)
Curated by Blanca de la Torre

Everyone Talks about the Weather. We don’t (solo show)
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

¿A quién pertenece la Historia? (solo show)
CAB Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Burgos | Burgos (ES)


Tapas I. Una parte del todo
Luis Seoane Foundation | A Coruña (ES)
Curated by Jorge Blasco & Silvia Longueira

Fabular un mundo diferente
CCELima Centro Cultural de España en Lima | Lima (PE)
Curated by Blanca de la Torre

Memory of the Future. MUSAC Collection
MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León | León (ES)
Curated by Koré Escobar

Processi 148
The Spanish Academy in Rome | Rome (IT)
Curated by Enrique Bordes

Spazi Aperti XIX
The Romanian Academy in Rome | Rome (IT)
Curated by Alexandra Oancea

Estado de sitio
Sala Amós Salvador | Logroño (ES)
Curated by Blanca de la Torre & Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta

Capitolism. The Normalization of Political Violence in the United States
Maus Contemporary | Birmingham (US)


Good Trouble. Artists Respond to the 2020 Presidential Election
WhiteBox Harlem | New York (US)
Curated by Raúl Zamudio & Juan Puntes

BIAM 2020 Biennal d’Art Ciutat d’Amposta
Lo Pati Centre d’Art de les Terres de l’Ebre | Amposta (ES)


A Soviet Militiaman Eats a McDonald’s Hamburger in Moscow (solo show)
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

Together Apart – International Meeting of Art, Thought and Frontiers
BIENALSUR, International Contemporary Art Biennial | Cucuta (CO)
Curated by Álex Brahim

Undefined Territories: Perspectives on Colonial Legacies
MACBA Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Hiuwai Chu

Losing Time and Adquiring a Clock for this Purpose!
Can Felipa | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Clàudia Elies & Marc Mela


Hard Gelatin. Hidden stories from the 80’s
Hiriartea – Center of Contemporary Culture | Pamplona (ES)
Curated by Teresa Grandas

Collective Memories, Historicisms and others Déjà Vu
Espacio en Blanco | Monterrey (MX)
Curated by Ana Cadena

Against Repression and Censorship
Espacio Tangente Centro de Creación Contemporánea | Burgos (ES)


The Revolution is a Fiction. The Fiction is a Revolution. An Essay
EINA, Espai Barra de Ferro | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Joan M. Minguet

Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica | Barcelona (ES)

Me duele España
Espacio Dörffi | Arrecife, Lanzarote (ES)
Curated by Adonay Bermúdez

Deus ex machina (duo show w/ Raura Oblitas)
Spanish Cultural Centre in Lima | Lima (PE)


Hard Gelatin. Hidden Stories from the 80’s
MACBA Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Teresa Grandas

Die Möglichkeiten
Württembergischer Kunstverein | Stuttgart (DE)

Do you Believe? Miquel Casablancas Prize
SAC Sant Andreu Contemporani
Fabra i Coats, Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona | Barcelona (ES)

The Counterrevolution of the Horses
Can Felipa | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Marta Echaves

History Repeats Itself More than Twice
SAC Sant Andreu Contemporani | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Miguel Amado

Cauty Said to Franco: What Time is Love?
Lo Pati Centre d’Art de les Terres de l’Ebre | Amposta (ES)
Curated by Vicent Fibla


15 Terrorist Plots
Juan Andrés Benítez Agora | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Núria Güell

Cauty Said to Franco: What Time is Love?
SAC Sant Andreu Contemporani | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Vicent Fibla

Ne travaillez jamais
ADN Platform | Sant Cugat (ES)
Curated by Mariella Franzoni, Lidia González, Antonella Medici, Lucia Piedra & Blanca del Río

Gran angular. Miquel Casablancas Prize
Sant Andreu Contemporani
Fabra i Coats, Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona | Barcelona (ES)


Monte de Estépar
Espacio Tangente, Centro de Creación Contemporánea | Burgos (ES)

La gran máquina
Embarrat. Festival de Creació Contemporània
Museu Trepat de Tàrrega | Tàrrega (ES)
Curated by Jesús Vilamajó & Natàlia Lloreta

Veintitantos, primeros tiempos
CAB Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos | Burgos (ES)
Curated by Beatriz Maestro

Possunt quia posse videntur
Ciclo #1: Sólo para valientes
Espai Colona | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Rosario Ateaga & Andrés Vial

Mi(g)radas. Experiencias desplazadas, miradas rizomáticas
II Bienal de Fotografía de Lima
Sala Kuelap, Ministerio de Cultura de Perú | Lima (PE)
Curated by Jesús Morate

Mi primer millón de dólares
Sala Blava de l’Escola Massana | Barcelona (ES)
Curated by Iván Mejía


Mi primer millón de dólares
Financial Crimes: Poéticas en la era del colonialismo financiero
Espai Dos, Sala Muncunill | Terrassa (ES)
Curated by Iván Mejía

Art Lima International Art Fair (project censored)
Collectors Programme ‘Iniciando Colecciones’ | Lima (PE)
Curated by Giuliana Vidarte

Animales Históricos
Corriente Alterna | Lima (PE)
Curated by Giuliana Vidarte & Florencia Portocarrero



ARCO International Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Madrid (ES)


SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

Art Brussels
ADN Galeria | Brussels (BE)

ARCO International Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Madrid (ES)


SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

ARCO International Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Madrid (ES)


SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

ARCO International Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Madrid (ES)


SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)

ARCO International Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Madrid (ES)


SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair
ADN Galeria | Barcelona (ES)


Ch.ACO International Art Fair
Espai Colona | Santiago (CL)

Grants / Residencies / Awards


Social Commitment in the Visual Arts Award
Biennal de Mislata Miquel Navarro BMMN 2023 | Mislata (ES)

City of Manacor Plastic Arts Award 2023
Ajuntament de Manacor | Manacor (ES)


AECID-MAEC Art, Education, Science and Culture Grants
Artist residency in the Spanish Academy in Rome | Rome (IT)

Grants for research and innovation in the fields of visual arts
Generalitat de Catalunya | Barcelona (ES)


Mango Best Emerging Artist Award
SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair | Barcelona (ES)


Artist residency Casa de Velázquez & Hangar
Casa de Velázquez | Madrid (ES)

Art Nou Prize
Art Galleries Association (Abe) | Barcelona (ES)


Artist residency SAC-FiC
Fabra i Coats – Fábrica de Creación de Barcelona | Barcelona (ES)

Apertus 02 Seminar grant
Han Nefkens Foundation | Barcelona (ES)


Research & artistic experimentation grant
La Escocesa | Barcelona (ES)


Artist residency Baden Württemberg-Catalunya
WKV Württembergischer Kunstverein | Stuttgart (DE)

Agata Baum de Bernis grant for artists & cultural managers
Goethe Institut | Berlin (DE)


ACCA 2014 Prize for the Situaciones.info publication
ACCA Catalan Association of Art Critics | Barcelona (ES)


2019/2020 | Heritage Studies PhD programme
International research stay
BTU Brandenburg University of Technology (DE)

2017/2022 | Society and Culture: History, Anthropology, Art and Heritage PhD programme
History of Modern & Contemporary Art
UB University of Barcelona (ES)

2015/2016 | Masters Degree in Comparative Literature, Literary & Cultural Studies
UAB Autonomous University of Barcelona (ES)

2014/2015 | Masters Degree in Museum Studies and Critical Theory
UAB Autonomous University of Barcelona (ES)

2014/2015 | Independent Studies Program (PEI)
MACBA Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (ES)

2006/2011 | Graduated in Art and Design
Escola Massana / UAB Autonomous University of Barcelona (ES)

2004/2007 | Certificate of Higher Education in Artistic Photography
IDarte Art & Design School of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz (ES)