In this era of widespread use of terms such as fake news and post-truth, Alán Carrasco’s project History Loves Paradoxes presents a collection of 20 newspaper headers reprinted on authentic newsprint, in which all the usual textual and informative content of a newspaper has been erased. The 20 newspapers –some of them already out of print, others still in circulation– have one element in common: they are all called The Truth.

Thus, the 20 pieces reproduce their own logos, with their graphic, linguistic and typographic particularities. With this piece, the artist asks us to reflect on the verisimilitude of the information we receive every day, asking ourselves once again –as in the famous aphorism of the 20th century–, if before believing “the truth” of a newspaper we should rather think about who is paying for the ink.

© Courtesy ADN Galeria – Photographs by Roberto Ruiz

Seen at
ARCO Madrid
Madrid, ES